• Gender Equity, Leadership and Ageing


Gender equality is an educational, cultural and economic challenge that requires actions aimed at building a Gender Equality Culture Transition Plan (GEC TPlan). A roadmap needs to be conceived that can accompany the identification of gender equity as a constitutive component of the political, economic and social life in our countries. The roadmap must include actions involving individuals, workplaces, communities.

The proposal for the IACE Hall of Fame Working Group is to work together to define “building blocks” of the future GEC TPlan. This is a collective work that should bring together the converging results of many research and reflection groups.

Our proposal is to start from cooperation projects focused on the following building blocks:

a. Longevity and gender equity culture 

  i. Ageing of population and longer life expectancy – particularly of women – call for new approaches fostering active ageing from personal, professional, cultural and economic perspectives 

  ii. Active ageing must be accompanied by financial inclusion seen as a clear investment in defending the financial and social welfare of working men/women and their families to avoid social exclusion. Financial education is a fundamental like skill

 iii. Gender equity serves to fight the economic vulnerability and strengthen economic, financial, digital skills in a unicum that closes the gender gaps.


b. Workplace and gender equity culture

i. A company code of conduct on gender equality is an important tool to be revisited and strengthen. Women workers are impacted by codes of conduct shortcomings and violations by exposure to the most vulnerable situations in a workforce (e.g., as migrants or homeworkers); and by their specific gender roles as women (e.g., caretaker, expectant mother, mother)

ii. These types of practices can accompany other measures for the reduction of the gender gap in the labour market – pay equity, recruitment and career development policies, women self-entrepreneurship

iii. Data collection, analysis and use may support policy and social actions.


c. Happiness and wellbeing

i. Each one of the building blocks has the same goal: to promote wellbeing and happiness. This is a transversal goal that might accompany all our projects and be converted into concrete implementation proposals 



G. Baswani, India
L. Baumgartner, US
M. Baumgartner, US
C. Biasin, Italy
A. K. Chakrabarti, India
N. Dickson, Scotland
J. Johnson-Bailey, US
M. Malec Rawinski, Sweden
M.T. Siniscalco, France
J. Tiwari, India
S. Walters, South Africa


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